Excluding Posts by Environment
Publish posts depending on your build environment.
I’ve got a to-do list for this site, and it made sense to keep it as part of the site - after all, it’s just a normal itemised list with things that get struckthrough as I check them off, and keeping it on the site may make me remember where it is and to look at it once in a while.
But I only want to publish it to my development instance; it’s not a post I want to publish to the whole world, or you’ll all see how many items are left…
Enter this little plugin snippet:
require "jekyll"
module EnvironmentExcludePosts
@@environment = ENV["JEKYLL_ENV"]
def self.process(site)
# check we've got anything to compare this build environment against
if @@environment.nil? or @@environment.empty?
Jekyll.logger.warn "EnvironmentExcludePosts: Environment variable not set - expecting JEKYLL_ENV to be set for the build."
# loop through all the posts
site.posts.docs.each_with_index do |post, index|
# and if we match
if post.data.key?("environment") and post.data["environment"] != @@environment
# remove it from Jekyll's "to be rendered" list - this will also stop any
# associated files (like images if you keep them alongside) from being made
Jekyll.logger.info "EnvironmentExcludePosts: Post excluded from #{@@environment} build (#{post.data['title']} = #{post.data['environment']})"
# add a hook that's run before we start processing the site
Jekyll::Hooks.register :site, :post_read do |site|
And to make use of it, just add the environment: whatever
variable to the relevant posts’ front matter, and set the server’s environment variable before calling your build - eg. like JEKYLL_ENV=production /usr/bin/bundle exec jekyll build